What to do in Knysna

If you’re traveling the garden route you will most definitely be stopping in Knysna before heading to Cape Town. Knysna is often described as one of the most important towns of the Garden Route. I can see why as it is absolutely stunning, but there is actually not that much to do in the town itself. If you’re traveling by bus (like me) it will be difficult to reach some of the cool hiking spots or other activities. I would say 2 days is more than enough time there, especially if you don’t have your own car.

Cycle to Knysna Heads

I rented a bicycle from ‘Jembja Knysna backpackers’, the hostel I was staying at. If you’re staying somewhere else, I’ve seen other places where you can get a bike as well. From the city centre it’s about an hour of cycling to Knysna’s lagoon and the ‘Knysna Heads’. South Africans drive on the left though and this is something you really don’t want to forget. I had a couple of close calls. Once you get to the lagoon you’ll be amazed. This spot is absolutely stunning and it reminded me of the French Riviera.

Knysna Heads South AfricaKnysna Heads South Africa

Have lunch at East head Café

I would advice you to cycle right up to the roundabout and head right to East Head Café for lunch. This place has the best views and amazing food. It’s often very busy and you might have to wait to get a spot outside.  After lunch head back to the roundabout, park your bike and walk up to the highest lookout point. It will take you about 15 minutes to walk up, but it’s super steep so I don’t recommend cycling. East head Café knysna

Head over to waterfront

Waterfront is a nice area with loads of shops and restaurants. There was a waterpolo competition going on in the harbor while I was there and it was super fun to watch. If like me you like something a little quieter for lunch head over too Café Throbb. You can find it on Gray street and it is only a minute walk from waterfront. I can recommend lunch as well as the Cheesecake!

waterfront knysna

Take a sunset cruise

There are a lot of boat tours you can do in Knysna, but I recommend a sunset cruise. While you sail towards the Knysna heads make sure you enjoy some oysters and a glass of wine. Knysa is famous for it’s oysters, so if you’re a fan this is the place to get them!

Have you traveled the Garden route? If so, what was your favorite place?