My perfect London Weekend

If you’ve been to London as many times as I have been, you try to stay out of the touristy areas. I do still like to explore the city as there is always so much going on! One of my very best friends lives in London and when I visit we always try to see some new places. If you need advice on new things to explore in London or just want a change from all the tourist spots read on.

Here is my perfect London weekend.

Visit Broadway Market

Party it up on Friday and hit this market on Saturday. This is where all the cool kids hang out. The places is filled with food, vintage clothing and people. Me and my friend where still a bit hungover from a houseparty on Friday and decided the market was a perfect Saturday activity. We strolled around for a bit in this place that was packed with people and made sure to take in the good vibes.

baguettes and other food at broadway market in London

Iceskating at Somerset House

This place has the Christmas vibe going on, which I love so much. Just the way it looks is a reason to go in itself. While you’re there make sure you see the exhibition of Malick Sidibe. I was really impressed by it and it’s completely free.  He was a Malian photographer documenting life there. The exhibition will be there until 26 feb. 2017. Find more info here.

ice skating rink at Somerset House

Ridley road market bar

When we go out I let my friend lead the way. We ended up going to Ridley road market bar. She once danced with Robert Pattinson there. Now I don’t know if you’re impress by this fact, but I was certainly excited by it. Unfortunately we didn’t see him and I didn’t get to have my vampire fantasies come true. Still it was a great night!

Leighton house museum

I would recommend taking a walk through Holland park and the Kyoto Garden on your way to Leighton House Museum. There is a particularly nice exhibition right now called ‘flaming june’ that will be there until 2 April 2017. The house itself is an artwork as well. It was sir Leightons ‘private palace of art’. Find more information about the house and the exhibition here.

St. Dunstan in the east

Im always looking for good photo locations and this is a special one! The church was bombed in the second world war and they kept the ruins as a garden. The place has a very serene feel to it. It is usually pretty quiet and has just a few business men hanging out, eating their lunch.

St. Dunstan in the eastSt. Dunstan in the east