The prettiest photo spots in Paris

Everyone in the world should be able to name of few of Paris most famous landmarks. It’s streets are filled with iconic and more importantly (for you guys in search of insta bangers) very photogenic landmarks. So you’ve booked a trip to Paris and call me psychic, but I know you want that shot with the Eiffel Tower. Am I right? Nope, don’t deny it, no shame in being just a little basic sometimes. We’ve all seen that shot too many times, but it’s a classic. Now the issue is, where do you go for the best views? I made a list of places to go, before I went to Paris and it really helped me. So now, I’ve compiled a list of places for you to help you find the best photo spots in Paris and get the shots!

Best photo Spots in Paris:

Pont de Bir-Hakeim

This modern looking bridge that even featured in Inception is actually already over a 100 years old. While Trocadero is already flooded with photographers even in the early morning, this bridge is still relatively quiet. I did have to put my tripod on the other side of the road and I would run back every time someone was approaching to make sure my camera wouldn’t get stolen. In the end I think I actually prefer this view to the view from Trocadero.

Pont de Bir-Hakeim paris Eiffel TowerPont de Bir-Hakeim photo spot

Rue de Université

So I didn’t actually make it to this spot while I was running around the city trying to see everything, but this street also gives you a view of the Eiffel Tower. Its one of the roads leading up to the Eiffel Tower and it’s a great place for a photo!


Ok, I guess this one is obvious, but you cannot leave this view of the list. The Eiffel Tower is the most iconic structure in Paris and this is the most iconic spot to get the shot. There is no other place that gives you a better view. Downside of this viewpoint is that it gets crazy busy and the only way to take a decent photo is getting up for sunrise. If you’re not an early bird you may have to give up on this premium photo spot. Luckily there are many places in Paris where you can spot the Eiffel Tower.

Trocadero view Eiffel Tower

Pont Alexandre III

One of Paris most famous and beautiful bridges. If you find the right angle you can have the Eiffel Tower in the background as well! Go for a romantic midnight stroll and see the Eiffel Tower light up in the background! If you are into visiting movie spots, this bridge was used in the final scene of midnight in Paris, a must watch! The bridge is also very often used for wedding and engagement shoots, but it’s also serves as a great background for your newest insta photo.

Pont Alexandre III


Although busy, this place looks stunning at sunrise! If it’s your first time in Paris you’ll probably visit the Louvre. It wasn’t my first time in the city, but I came back to this location just for some photos and to enjoy the sunrise.

sunset at louvre Paris

Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel

This Arc de Triomphe is smaller than the famous one, but just as pretty. Especially at sunrise and sunset the light hits it just right. I have to dissapoint you night owls though, because at sunset it’s like grand central station here. The shot below was taken at sunrise, the only moment of the day you can get any place in Paris to yourself.

arc de triomphe du carrousel louvre


There are the famous cafés ‘La Maison Rose’ and ‘le Consulat’, but Montmartre is full of cute instagrammable streets. Don’t forget to also sit down at a cute café, because nothing is more French than that. There is a big cafe culture in Paris.

Le consulat montmartre paris

Rue de Cremieux

Do bloggers ever get sick of colorful walls? Nope, didn’t think so. Is it cliche? yes….. Is it cute? yes!

Rue de Cremieux

The Seine in the evening

The seine is lined with beautiful buildings on either side, but in my opinion it’s most special in the evening when the atmospheric lighting creates a magical glow. This particular photo was taken from the Louvre with the institute de France/pont des arts in the background. If you want to feel like a real Parisian bring some food and wine to enjoy while you sit down somewhere along the riverbanks of the Seine.

Seine Paris by night institute de france seen from Louvre


On the ninth floor of this department store you’ll find a balcony with amazing views of the city. It’s not longer a hidden secret, but still a pretty cool spot!

Printemps department store Paris

Notre Dame/Pont L’archevêché

Who else loves the The Hunchback of Notre Dame and wants to climb the towers!? Again, better get there early! The line can sometimes swing around the whole square. It moves fairly quickly though, so if you do make it there during the day don’t let it scare you off too much. If you want to get a pic without a big crowd of people photobombing you, use one of the bridges besides the cathedral. For the sunrise the Pont L’archevêché is perfect. There were people walking across, but it was relatively  easy to get a shot without other people in it and you don’t even have to get there early. The garden besides the Notre Dame is also great for some alternative views!

binoculars notre dame notre dame paris

Doing a trip around Europe? Check out my other articles here.