Budget for a weekend in Fez

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Morocco is the perfect destination for a budget trip. Accommodation, food and activities are cheap. Now all you need to do is find a cheap flight and you’re good to go! If you are looking for a city trip I can highly recommend Fez over Marrakech. I found Marrakech to be overwhelming and aggressive and even though Fez can be chaotic it is much more welcoming. l felt a lot more at ease in Fez and people were super friendly and helpful. Here’s everything I spend in a weekend in Fez!

local in fez Morocco

How much did I spend in Fez, Morocco?

Flight €100

Return flight from Amsterdam to Fez-€100

Accommodation €52,50

Our accommodation was a lovely riad in the middle of the Medina. It honestly looked like a fancy hotel even though we booked it on hostelworld. I can highly recommend this place and also it’s food!

Medina Social Club: 2 bedroom- 3 nights for €90 ( I split it with my mom)- Dec 2022 update: €125 for 3 nights.

Medina Social Club Fez Morocco

Activities: €53,60

The entrance fees to most places are very affordable and most of the tours also won’t break the bank. Our most expensive tour was a day trip to Chefchaouen. We absolutely loved it and were glad we got to see it, but I recommend taking more time. The drive there is way to long to go up and down from Fez. We kind of underestimated the time it would take to get there.

Tour of the Medina- €20 (also split with my mom)

Entrance to Bou Inania Madrasa- 20 Dirham/€1,80

Entrance to Dar Batha Museum- 20 Dirham/€1,80

Daytrip to Chefchaouen- €30 per person

steps blue city Chefchaouen Morocco

Food- €60

On average we spend €5 on lunch and €10 on dinner including drinks. Of course we sat down for drinks a couple of times during the day as well.

To find out more about my favorite places to eat and all the places you must see, read my guide to Fez. 

view clock cafe fez
The view from Clock Cafe

I think overall we stuck to our budget pretty well on this trip. We splurged on the day trip to Chefchaouen, but didn’t have any other big expenses. If you book at the right time you can sometimes find flights that are even cheaper. In my experience, this is cheaper than any trip you can take in Europe.

Overall Cost: €266,10